
Dr. Rick Roepke and Dr. Kathy Roepke have been married since 1986 and have two children, Emily and Erik.  They are active in their local church and have led numerous marriage enrichment seminars across the country, including several churches in Bowling Green and across the state of Kentucky.

Rick and Kathy RoepkeBoth Rick and Kathy hold D. Min. in counseling degrees and their use of humor and gracious personalities make them uniquely gifted for building up marriages and families in the Body of Christ. Rick also provides corporate coaching and consulting services for all types and sizes of business/industry.

For more information or to schedule the Roepkes to speak at your retreat, please call Christian Family Institute at 270-746-0283 or fill out the contact form.


All Stressed up and No Place to Go
This seminar topic addresses the challenges that marriages face in our hurry-up world. Rick and Kathy offer strategies for both preventing and overcoming the stress that threatens marriages today.

Spiritual Intimacy
While it's true that the couple who prays together is more likely to stay together, couples will learn about that and other facets of spiritual intimacy as well that increase bonding in marriage

Surviving the Storms of Life
Storms, in the form of conflict, are inevitable aspects of married life. This seminar addresses expectations, conflict resolution, and "fighting a good fight."

Building Your Mate's Self-Esteem
As Christians, we are called to build one another up; the intimate relationship of marriage can be the most fruitful ground for doing so. Likewise, it can be destructive. This seminar addresses valuing your spouse and recognizing "red flags" that let you know if spouse de-valuing is occurring.